Happiness 1/2


As the clock struck 11:11, somewhere, the universe orchestrated a symphony of perfection. A tender kiss on the lips, a cascading double orgasm, the sun's gentle touch causing delightful tingles. Goosebumps arose to concert rhythms, tears carried bittersweet flavors, storms painted dramatic scenes on hillside canvases. Summer nights became balmy poetry, compliments from strangers fueled energy, aha moments revealed fractals, shooting stars ignited dreams, flowers arrived as delightful surprises, and tiny meows harmonised life's eclectic soundtrack.

61 CM X 70 CM

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As the clock struck 11:11, somewhere, the universe orchestrated a symphony of perfection. A tender kiss on the lips, a cascading double orgasm, the sun's gentle touch causing delightful tingles. Goosebumps arose to concert rhythms, tears carried bittersweet flavors, storms painted dramatic scenes on hillside canvases. Summer nights became balmy poetry, compliments from strangers fueled energy, aha moments revealed fractals, shooting stars ignited dreams, flowers arrived as delightful surprises, and tiny meows harmonised life's eclectic soundtrack.

61 CM X 70 CM